Notre Équipe

Les divers antécédents professionnels et culturels donnent à notre équipe une meilleure compréhension de vos besoins en main-d'œuvre. Nos consultants sont des experts dans leur domaine, offrant des décennies d'expertise et des relations qu'ils ont construites au fil des années. Tous consacrent du temps et de l'énergie au bénévolat dans leur communauté. Certains consacrent même jusqu’à 1 000 heures par année. La plupart ont appris une autre langue pour aider les minorités visibles. Par conséquent, le dévouement, l'éthique et l'intégrité font partie de notre culture.

Avec nos valeurs, nous construirons avec vous des relations durables!

Naomi is our expert for the Medical, HR, and Office Administration personnel. She has a wealth of experience after spending over 30 years in the field from medical clinics to the Department of Oncology at McGill University to McMaster University’s Faculty of Health Sciences. Currently, both universities are in the top 25 world’s best Universities in Medicine, and McMaster University is the 11th and 2nd in Canada.
She is therefore well versed and has connections to find your qualified candidate.

Naomi Scobie

Peter has been in the Immigration industry for more than 35 years. His team’s experience, expertise, and well established network & relationships are crucial for us navigating the complex and ever-changing immigration regulations landscape. Which allow us to provide you with our top talents on a timely manner for you to have a skilled and stable workforce meeting your contracts deadline and focus on growing your business!

Instructor Red River Community College, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Senior Training Officer Canada Employment and Immigration Commission.
Training Consultant Staff Development Branch Public Service Commission of Canada.
Member Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC).

Peter  Lam

Jackson James

The global Underground Cabling EPC market size is projected to reach US$ 15 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 2.9% during 2021-2027. Underground Segment to be the Fastest Growing Market and natural disasters are accelerating this industry.

Jackson is our expert in the Underground Cabling industry. He founded Technical Hands Electrical Equipment LLC in 2004, having the exclusivity with Bagela (founded in Germany 1984) for the Middle East, and has established himself in Dubai for the last 15 years contributing to many of the city's infrastructure cablings.

Hyung Jin Kim

Kim has traveled intensively across Asia also visited the European and Americas continents many times. He is well familiar with the Asian workforce industry working and living in China, Korea, the Philippines, and Vietnam. He broadens our team's view and deepens our expertise of the labour market.


Brian Chamberlain

Is your company riding the digitalization wave as our world embraces technology quickly adapts to an ever-changing pandemic business landscape? Do you have self-service/touchless products or remote software you want to manufacture and market? Brian has built a network in the industry throughout the decades, he thus can help you to find the professionals and contacts you need to build and grow your business.

Joann Haynes

With over 30 years of experience in the Canadian Community & Social Services, from an IECE (Infant and Early Childhood Educator) to Supervisory roles at Peel Children Services to Case Manager, RSSW (Registered Social Service Worker), Joann genuinely cares for people. She has helped many to relocate, settle, and be linked to different programs.
Also, she has worked for one of the leading companies offering relocation services in over 120 countries.

As our Relocation Services Manager, you will truly be in caring, capable, and experienced hands!

Andrea Boehk

Andrea has a dual role in our team because of her expertise specializing in Project Management and Workers’ Relocation.

She is very organized, proactive, and friendly. Essential qualities to help you to relocate and settle in your new city for your work transfer.

Alemar Villari

Alemar International Marketing Consultant. He has years of experience in assisting Filipinos and investors in North America with the best way to purchase properties in the Philippines.

The Philippines is known as the condominium haven of Asia, the only English-speaking country in Asia, and has the fastest-growing economy.

Enrique Monterosa

Known as “Mr. Aviation” in the team because Enrique doesn't only have the experience with over 20 years from towing planes to Aircraft Tower to Flight Crew, etc. but he is passionate about the industry!

As the global travels bounce back from the Covid pandemic, “Mr. Aviation” will enthusiastically assist you in filling your much-needed vacant jobs despite the crippling labor shortages to respond to the rapid travel demands.

Harlen King

H. is our Network Engineer and IT expert with over 25 years of experience working on Global Technology Integration & Networks. He has worked on small to big projects with global reach/audience from an IT Manager to Project Manager positions. His skills repertoire compose of Linux, CISCO, Windows Server and Desktop OS, DNS, Active Directory, Citrix, Virtual Servers, SharePoint, etc,

He’s well-rounded and experienced to provide you insightful consultations.

Thai Nguyen

As an ESTP (Myers–Briggs personality type), Thai is driven, proactive, and result-oriented. Well known for his interpersonal and analytical skills, his ability to perceive, anticipate, and respond to clients’ needs. His resourcefulness and strong networking aptitude propel him to be one of our Lead Headhunters.

Janet Mensah

Janet is part of our Medical Staffing Team. As an experienced nurse, she knows what qualities and skills a good candidate should have to join your clinic/hospital providing much-needed relief to your current nurse workforce in these critical pandemic times.