Our Story and Vision


Our Story

Immigration dates back to the dawn of civilization. People immigrate for various reasons. For the adventure, for security, for their lively hood, for better opportunities and hope for their family. Most have faced many challenges and trials from perilous travels to language and culture to discrimination to finding the right employment despite being educated in their native countries.

We as immigrant parents, we as immigrant children have seen, have witnessed and been through all these hardships! Qualified and skilled parents working multiple general labour jobs to provide for their family. But end up with little time and energy left for their loved ones. Too many children grew up without a proper father and/or mother figure in their lives.

We, as professionals, not having the resources to connect to employers to pursue our career of choice to realize our goals and passion!

Our Vision

Along with our partners, we will be the platform to bridge immigrants to their new home country, to their new community by connecting them to good employers and settling them in their new environment. For parents to have the time and energy not only to provide but care for their family, and for children to grow up in a nurturing environment. So, professionals to have the employment matching their education, skills, and passion to thrive!

Strong individuals and families form strong communities. Strong communities make a strong society. Strong societies contribute to a strong, healthy and sustainable global family!

Our vision? Together, let’s us unite and work collaboratively connecting talents to the right employers not only contributing to the post-pandemic recovery globally but to forging a better future for the next generations! Because together, United, We Can!


With our mission clear in our focus, we will soldier on 2024 to 2025 despite the uncertain economic outlook. HTR’s goal of not only to provide skilled professionals to employers but along with our partners, we will engage them in programs that benefit your business and local communities by giving back. In turn, this contributes to enriching your organization’s culture with a committed, motivated, driven, and stable workforce!

The Covid-19 has changed the labour industry, forever. Shifting it from employer’s market to employee’s. It has accelerated the digitalization and furthering the globalization of our global economy. The pandemic has changed our world forever.

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” – Dolly Parton.
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn.
“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to the pitcher.” – Chinese Proverb
To forge our future, we need to adjust, adapt, and change! To have a global impact, it starts with each individual, each family, each community, and each society!
As an individual, as an organization, and as a community Are You Engaged to do social good and give back? It is starts with You and together and United, We Can!



The tranquil and content life of the Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y/Millennials is coming to an end. The new generations, Gen Z and Gen A are no longer content with a stable job but they have a cause to work and fight for! Their home, their community, their environment, and their planet are at risk because the climate change!

From most economies to the UN to the World Business Council For Sustainable Development, all have a vision for 2050. Does your organization have a sustainable 2050 vision? Do you have a skilled, engaged, and stable workforce to get your organization there?

As an employer, you can make a difference and have an impact. Do not wait for tomorrow! Because 50% of the global workforce is composed of Millennials, which will be 75% by 2025 and all members of the Baby Boom generation will have reached the retirement age of 65 by 2030. Therefore, start today and HTR can assist you with qualified, engaged, and driven professionals.
Together, let’s set our goals and act now! Forging a better and brighter future for the generations to come because United, We Can!