Our Mission
YCW prides itself on more than just providing skilled professionals. We get them engaged in programs that benefit your organization and local communities by giving back. In turn, this contributes to enriching your organization’s culture with a committed, motivated, driven, and stable workforce.
The Power of Strategic Hiring!

The Shifting Power Dynamic in the Labor Market
The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered the landscape of the labor market, shifting power dynamics from employers to employees. This evolution is evident in key milestones: the lockdowns of 2020, the Great Resignation of 2021, Quiet Quitting in 2022, and 2024’s Great Negotiation. Reflecting this trend, Forbes’ Human Resources Council aptly titled their article In Today's Labor Market, Employees Are In The Driver’s Seat.
Adding to this narrative, Statistics Canada projects a continued decline in labor force participation rates through the 2030s, a trend echoed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which forecasts similar declines through 2033. Forbes encapsulates this phenomenon as The War for Talent in the ‘New Normal.’
Are you prepared for the 2025 war for talent and beyond?

Qualified and Stable Workforce
A qualified and stable workforce is essential for your business to operate and expand. With our worldwide network, we specialize in providing skilled professionals from abroad, with long-term goals of becoming permanent residents in your country. We have a dedicated group mindset that you will find reassuring. With a combined experience of over 100 years, our team has streamlined the process to effectively assist you with your personnel needs.

Let’s Work Together!
We’re always ready to assist you from filling a vacant position to assessing your required staff for your expansion. Please get in touch and we will contact you as soon as possible.